of opening an indoor playground is all the FUN things to put in it. A few days ago I posted the awesome and totally unique play structure. Here is another find of mine. No longer will I be run over by 4 year olds in a plastic car!
Here it is. The main play structure of Pipsqueaks. Obviously we will paint it to suit the decor of the store. I think it's fabulous and definately not something you see everyday. Kids from all over King and Pierce county will want to come here. So will their parents!!!
The local Meetup group that I belong to for Small Business Owners met last night. It was there that we did Speed Networking. For the most part it was really an effective way to meet other business owners more personally. There were only a few that I didn't get a whole lot of time with. I really had a great time last night. It really was the business pick me up that I needed. I've run businesses for others, but never really got to go through the whole start-up process. It can get very discouraging and trying at times. Meeting with other business owners is a great way to jump start your business drive.